Long Life Normobaric chamber – oxygen therapy as an effective rehabilitation after COVID-19
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Normobaric chamber – oxygen as an rehabilitation after COVID-19
Since December 2019, people around the world have been infected with the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus. According to the World Health Organization (WHO) data, between December 31, 2019 and April 14, 2021, there were 137,464,432 confirmed cases of coronavirus infection worldwide. In Poland, as of April 14, 2021, the number is 2 642 399. Let’s remember, however, that these are the numbers of confirmed cases. It is known that COVID-19, a disease caused by the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus, can be severe or mild, but also asymptomatic.
Regardless of the course of COVID-19, this disease can lead to many complications and side effects among survivors. Research on complications caused by infection with SARS-CoV-2 virus is still ongoing and the list is getting longer and longer. They affect all organs and systems. Covid-19 also has an adverse effect as it comes to mental state of both adults and children. It is often very dangerous, even life-threatening, also ocurring to patients going through COVID-19 asymptomatically. It may appear up to 60 days after the infection.
Complications after coronavirus within adults

The most common complications after contracting COVID-19 are respiratory failure and pneumonia. Recoverable individuals also develop fatigue comparable to CFS (chronic fatigue syndrome). It is the result of a disturbance of the immune system and body inflammation.
A common results of COVID-19 transition are cardiovascular problems. Patients complain about faster, uneven heartbeat and chest pain. Exercise dyspnea appears during any type of physical movement. After you get COVID-19 blood clots may form in your blood vessels. This increases the risk of a stroke, heart attacks, kidney and lung problems.
„Brain fog” is a term for disorientation, communication, forgetfulness and inability to concentrate attention.
Increasingly, convalescents experience neurological complications such as delirium, confusion or paraesthesia – spontaneous skin sensations like tingling, pricking, burning, numbness and a feeling of coldness.
Patients who have lost their taste and smell during the disease complain about the dullness of these senses. Some people experience olfactory delusions, smell cigarette smoke, mold, chemicals, rotten meat or burns. Many of them even get parosmia, a change of the so far pleasant smells into disgusting ones.
Guillain-Barre syndrome is also considered a neurological complication resulting from coronavirus infection. It causes a progressive weakening of the muscle strength caused by damage to the peripheral nerves. Patients not only have great problems with moving, but also with breathing.
PIMS-TS – complications after coronavirus within children

Most children get mild or completely asymptomatic coronavirus infection. Unfortunately, the virus can lead to a multi-system inflammatory syndrome – PIMS-TS (Paedriatric Inflammatory Multisystem Syndrome Temporally Associated with SARS-CoV-2). Symptoms of PIMS-TS may include:
- high fever (over 38.5 degrees),
- diarrhea, vomiting, stomach pain,
- rash,
- conjunctivitis,
- swelling of hands and feet,
- reddening of tongue and lips,
- neurological symptoms such as apathy, irritability, severe headaches, paresis of peripheral nerves, convulsions, coma,
- inflammation of the heart muscle.
Complications within children appear 2 to 4 weeks after being infected with SARS-CoV-2.
Oxygen – the cure for COVID-19 and the basis of convalescence

Some people infected with the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus develop acute pneumonia and life-threatening respiratory failure. It becomes important then to take care of the proper blood saturation, i.e. saturating it with oxygen. The optimal value for saturation is between 92 and 96%. The decrease in saturation causes chronic hypoxia and damage to the organs. To prevent this, patients are connected to respirators, which are designed to mechanically deliver more oxygen to the body. Oxygen therapy significantly helps in the recovery of patients undergoing COVID-19. Oxygen therapy is equally important during the rehabilitation of people cured from COVID-19, because it reduces the effects of the disease.
Oxygen therapy is equally important during the rehabilitation of people cured from COVID-19, because it reduces the effects of the disease.
Long Life normobaric chamber – a place for oxygen therapy

The conditions in normobaric chamber produced by Long Life favor the maximum and safe absorption of oxygen. Its saturation is as much as 40% (it is ~ 21% in the air). Easier and faster oxygen absorption is possible due to the presence of carbon dioxide. It is 1.5 – 2%, which is about 50-70 times more than in the atmosphere. Additional effect of hydrogen in the chamber (0.5%) stops degenerative and degenerative processes after the damaging effects of SARS COV-2. The atmospheric pressure of 1500 hPa prevails in the normobaric chamber, so everyone can use it without restrictions or additional medical consultations.
A normobaric chamber is a perfect place for effective rehabilitation after COVID-19.
Even several normobaric procedures are able to restore the proper state of cell oxygenation. The session in Long Life normobaric chamber not only supports and regenerates the body, but also allows you to fully relax. Pleasant interior, comfortable armchairs, relaxing music flowing from the speakers reduces the level of stress and has a great effect on the psyche.

The structure of the Long Life normobaric chamber is made of high-quality materials. The tight and solid structure and the most modern control system of the Normatech brand allows to maintain a constant level of pressure and the content of oxygen, carbon dioxide and hydrogen.

The Long Life normobaric chamber can be located both inside and outside of the building. It is adapted to the use of disabled people.
There is a decontamination machine in the chamber that kills all viruses and bacteria around the clock.
We encourage all interested entities and natural persons to cooperation. We will answer any additional questions. We will provide detailed explanations about modern, non-invasive healing technology. Please contact us:

Normobaric chamber
Long Life — manufacturer of normobaric chambers and bedrooms
phone.: (+48) 512 024 000
e-mail: biuro@long-life.pl

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