Discover the latest generation of oxygen therapy


Long Life introduces our latest product.

Normotech Dual chamber is easy-using device which can run in 2 diffrent modes: hyperbaric and normobaric.

The chamber was made with the highest quality and safety standards. Combination of these two modes in one device enable achieving better results for users on the health and beauty field.

Modernity and designer looking features the device.

Functionals qualities not only features the chamber but also modernity and designer appearance.

We are polish manufacturer and our chambers are fully made in Poland.

Normotech Dual chamber is easy-using device which can run in 2 diffrent modes: hyperbaric and normobaric.

The chamber was made with the highest quality and safety standards. Combination of these two modes in one device enable achieving better results for users on the health and beauty field.

Modernity and designer looking features the device.

Functionals qualities not only features the chamber but also modernity and designer appearance.

We are polish manufacturer and our chambers are fully made in Poland.


Hyperbaric is kind of oxygen therapy that involves breathing in an environment with increased air pressure. During this kind of therapy, patient breaths pure oxygen. It allows to increase disolved oxygen in the blood which accelerates regeneration processes, wound healing, burns, dermatopathy and other afflictions.

Hyperbaric may also contribute to reducing inflammation, pain and improving immune system.


Normobaria to rodzaj terapii tlenowej, który polega na przebywaniu w pomieszczeniu o zwiększonym ciśnieniu (około 1500 hPa), większej zawartości tlenu oraz dwutlenku węgla, a także atmosferze wzbogaconej o cząsteczkowy wodór.

Dostarczenie organizmowi większej ilości tlenu, dwutlenku węgla i wodoru sprawia, że już pierwszy zabieg tlenoterapii normobarycznej wpływa na znacznie lepsze dotlenienie komórek. To bezpośrednio przyczynia się do poprawy ich ogólnego stanu i znacznie zmniejsza ewentualne stany zapalne w organizmie. Przyspieszony zostaje także rozwój nowych naczynek krwionośnych.

 Już po jednej sesji trwającej 2 godziny, organizm może dostrzec wzrost ilości komórek macierzystych, które krążą po organizmie i docierają do uszkodzonych komórek i tkanek, powodując ich regenerację.


Normobaric is the type of oxygen therapy that involves being in the envoirenment with decreased pressure (about 1500 hPa), higher content of oxygen, carbon dioxide and atmosphere enriched with molecular hydrogen.

Providing to body higher amount of oxygen, carbon dioxide and hydrogen results in significant improvement in cell oxyganation from the very first session of normobaric therapy. It directly contributes to enhancing their overall condition and significantly reduces potential inflammination in the body.  Additionally, development of new blood vessels is accelerated.

After just one session lasting 2 hours, the body expierences an increase in quantity of stem cells which travel throughout the body and reach damaged cells and tissues, prompting their regeneration.

Breakthrough in the oxygen therapy


Normotech Dual system is fully automated. It is based on innovative solution which allows easy and convenient conduct an oxygen therapy without manual regulation of atmospheric parameters.

Simply pressing a button will allow the system to adjust level of the pressure and gases for required settings and will monitoring parameters throughout whole session (even for over a dozen hours).

Automated solutions enhance patient comfort, influencing on effectiveness and safety of therapy.


The Normotech Dual chamber can use not only in home condition. It will work excellently in the business sector for providing oxygen therapy services.

Our solution is designed for alternative medicine clinics, hotels, SPA, fitness centres and medical centres which aim to provide services at the highest level.

Normotech Dual is innovative and effective solution for anyone who are looking for a convenient way to undergo oxygen therapy.


Delivery nationwide included in the price.


Qualified employees set up, connect and perform the first start-up of the device at the delivery site.


After the first start-up, we organize a short training in the use of the purchased device. We explain the operation of the chamber and answer any questions that arise.

If you are interested in the price of modern product – contact us. We would be happy to provide more information. Our product is designed to meet the needs of modern consumers and has many unique features. We are confident that it will meet your expectations and be worth its price. For more information on price and technical details, please contact us!

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Normotech Dual chamber is the device which offers not only special practicality but also designer look and easy using. Equipped with many advanced safety systems, Normotech Dual chamber is a perfect solution for people who value reliability and quality.

Thanks to the use of the latest technologies, the Normotech Dual chamber provides not only effective protection against various dangers, but also enables easy and convenient use of the device. It has many useful features, such as automatic shut-off in case of overheating, which allows for full control over the chamber’s operation.

At the same time, it meets industrial standards, which is a guarantee of solidity and durability. It is a device that has been designed for long-term and intensive use, and therefore it has been made of high-quality materials that provide high resistance to mechanical damage.

However, that is not all that makes the Normotech Dual chamber a unique device. It was made of beautiful leather, with attention to every detail. Thanks to this, it not only provides exceptional functionality, but also looks very elegant and stylish. Its appearance makes it a perfect solution for people who value not only functionality, but also aesthetics.

Normotech Dual chamber is the device that has a lot of benefits – practicality, safety and looks elegant. All of this allows for a high level of user comfort and effective protection against dangers, while also presenting itself visually in a stylish way.

Benefits of using hyperbaric therapy
  • Accelerated tissue healing and regeneration process – Thanks to increased amount of oxygen supplied to the body tissues, hyperbaric oxygen therapy can accelerate healing and regeneration process which can be beneficial in case of injuries, skin diseases, musculoskeletal diseases and other conditions.
  • Increased collagen production: Hyperbaric oxygen therapy can increase collagen production, which is essential for wound healing and tissue regeneration.
  • Improved tissue perfusion – Hyperbaric oxygen therapy can increase blood flow in the body, which can help maintain the proper function of organs and tissues and accelerate regenerative processes.
  • Increased blood oxygen levels – Hyperbaric oxygen therapy increases the amount of oxygen delivered to the body, which can help improve the function of the respiratory and cardiovascular systems, as well as increase blood oxygen levels.
  • Improved immunity – hyperbaric oxygen therapy can improve immune system through stimulating production of immune cells and increasing antioxidant potential.
  • Improved immune system – hyperbaric oxygen therapy can imporve immune system function which can accelerate healing processes.
  • Improved microvasculature and tissue oxyganation – hyperbaric oxygen therapy increase amount of oxygen delivered to tissues which improves microvasculature and accelerate healing processes.
  • Reduced inflammation: Hyperbaric oxygen therapy can reduce inflammation in damaged tissues, which accelerates the regeneration processes.
  • Increased enzyme activity: Hyperbaric oxygen therapy can increase the activity of enzymes responsible for breaking down dead tissue, which accelerates wound healing processes

Hyperbaric oxygen therapy is used for diseases associated with tissue hypoxia, such as decompression sickness, radiation sickness, non-healing wounds, heart attack, and stroke. The process involves exposing the body to high pressure oxygen, which increases the amount of oxygen delivered to the tissues, accelerating the regeneration process and helping with recovery.

Improved mental health: Hyperbaric oxygen therapy can provide relief for diseases that affect mental health, such as depression, anxiety, and post-traumatic stress disorder.

In the case of decompression sickness, which affects divers or oil industry workers exposed to changes in pressure, a hyperbaric chamber is used. In a hyperbaric chamber, the air pressure is increased, which helps to reduce the symptoms of decompression sickness and support the healing process.

Therapy for infections: In high oxygen concentrations, bacteria and viruses have unfavorable conditions for their survival. In a hyperbaric chamber, the oxygen concentration is increased, which helps to increase the body’s resistance to infections.

Hyperbaric chambers are used in the case of burns, as the high concentration of oxygen accelerates the healing and regeneration process of tissues.

In a hyperbaric chamber, the increase in air pressure can improve blood flow. This improvement in blood flow can have a beneficial effect on various conditions, such as coronary artery disease or heart attack.

In the case of brain injuries, such as stroke, a hyperbaric chamber can be helpful. In a hyperbaric chamber, a high concentration of oxygen is delivered to the damaged area of the brain, which can help to restore brain function and support the regeneration process.

Benefits of using normobaric therapy

Support in lung diseases: A normobaric chamber can be used in the case of lung diseases, such as asthma and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. In a normobaric chamber, the levels of oxygen and carbon dioxide in the blood can be monitored, which allows for better adjustment of therapy to the patient’s needs.

Research on the effects of oxygen on the human body: In a normobaric chamber, scientists can research the effects of oxygen on the human body, such as the effects on the level of nitric oxide in the blood and the effects on brain function.

Rehabilitation after injuries: A normobaric chamber can be used in rehabilitation after injuries, such as brain injuries and post-traumatic inflammation. In a normobaric chamber, the oxygen concentration can be controlled, which allows for better adjustment of rehabilitation therapy to the patient’s needs.

Improvement of overall well-being: In a normobaric chamber, the oxygen level is controlled, which can affect overall well-being and energy levels. Some people claim that staying in such a chamber can improve mood and reduce stress levels.

Improved recovery after physical exertion: In a normobaric chamber, the oxygen level in the blood is controlled, which can help to improve recovery after training. Introducing regenerative sessions in a normobaric chamber into a training plan can help to speed up muscle recovery and increase sports performance.

Improved sleep quality: Some people claim that staying in a normobaric chamber can improve sleep quality. Since the oxygen level is controlled, it can help to relieve insomnia and improve sleep quality.

Weight loss support: A normobaric chamber can help with the weight loss process by increasing metabolism and improving circulation. The introduction of normobaric chamber sessions to a weight loss plan can help to accelerate the weight loss process.

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(+48) 517 754 174

Please call between 9:00 – 17:00

from Monday to friday.

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